Is your pension scheme working for you and your staff?
If you already offer an occupational pension scheme, how long since it was reviewed? Is it providing good outcomes for your staff? Not sure? We can audit your scheme, verify any essential changes and possibly identify cost savings. For new employers, needing to introduce a scheme, the typical choices are:
- Group personal pension
- A Mastertrust pensions solution
- An entirely ‘bespoke’ pension scheme
It can be a bit bamboozling deciding which way to go – talk to us, we can help
We provide advice and support to employers of all sizes and in every industry sector, totalling almost 400 pension schemes. The employers we support, have the re-assurance that their pension scheme is regularly monitored and the investment performance reviewed, in an easy read written report. If the scheme delivers poor investment results, that will be readily visible to the employer and enable them to act.
Talk to us about
- Salary sacrifice improving pension tax efficiency
- Investing in environmental, ethical and socially responsible funds, ask us about how your pension scheme can invest ethically
- Group death in service, cost effective benefit, highly valued by employees
- Concerns that your existing pension is falling short, our audit service will reveal all.