Strategic accountancy tailored to your academy.
Having significant experience in the academy sector means Albert Goodman are well placed to offer wide-ranging services conducted by a specialist academies and education team. This includes giving specific advice on:
- Statutory accounts
- Audit of the year-end accounts
- Internal audit services
- Teachers’ Pension (TP) audit
- Completion of ESFA returns
- Assistance with management accounts
- Assistance with budgeting and forecasting
- Advice on academy structure and governance
- Conversion support
- Support with financial controls and procedures
- Governor training
- Due diligence assistance
- Payroll
A value-added approach to academy audits
A value added statutory audit
Academies are required to have a statutory audit which includes an assurance reporting on regularity each year. At Albert Goodman we believe that the audit process should be a positive experience and that our clients see it as a helpful and constructive process.
Accounts return
Following the submission of the audited statutory accounts to the ESFA, academies are required to prepare the Accounts Return which needs to be audited by 21st January each year.
This is a short reporting window to get the return finalised and submitted to the ESFA. We are able to act as the external preparer, external auditor or both using separate teams of the Accounts Return in an efficient and supportive manner
Statutory accounts
Academies are required to produce accounts that comply with the Academies Accounts Direction, UK accounting standards and the Charities SORP to 31 August each year.
Through our academies team we can assist with the preparation of the accounts from your accounting records and provide guidance and support to present these accounts to the board of governors.