November 04, 2021


Mandatory sustainability reporting in financial statements is currently only required for large organisations. Smaller entities can make the most of exemptions from carbon reporting at present however they should be mindful that they are not sheltered from the changes in stakeholder choice and the questions which may be asked by those with whom they wish to work.

Albert Goodman have launched Sustainability Reporting as part of our standard services having produced Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reports for our clients. These reports set out the scope 1 & scope 2 carbon emissions of a business and also include commentary on the organisations plans to reduce this in the future.

Organisations who are starting to consider their impact on the planet and are looking to set Net Zero targets may wish to engage such services, not for the purpose of reporting in their financial statements (although this is always an option!) but to start them off on their carbon reduction journey. Our team can work with you to calculate your current carbon footprint which can then provide a starting benchmark from which you can focus your efforts, and put in place strategic plans, to reduce carbon usage. Not only does this make sense from the perspective of the planet but it also makes good business sense as the less resource used, the less money that is spent.

We have a range of support packages available starting with the production of standalone carbon footprint calculations and extending to consultation in the strategic management of carbon and consideration of wider environmental and social governance and received the following feedback from a customer who used this new service:

Following the introduction of new legislation this year for businesses to prepare a Streamlined energy and carbon report (SECR) alongside their annual accounts, Albert Goodman took a proactive approach to help guide our business through the process of presenting this report.

Albert Goodman, led by Sophie Parkhouse provided us with very helpful guidance on how to tackle this report, and all the way, they were on hand to offer help and assistance, which made us feel involved and taken care of, great job!

Please get in touch with your usual Albert Goodman contact or Sophie Parkhouse if you would like to discuss this further.


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