November 04, 2021
When it comes to your cashflow, looking in to the future can be a difficult and time-consuming task.
Similarly, trying to ascertain the detail of your business performance at a glance could leave you wondering where to start or relying on your gut-feel instead. Xero Analytics gives you the tools to solve these problems, in the form of the Short-term Cash Flow report and the Business Snapshot dashboard.
Short-term Cash Flow
The short-term cash flow dashboard projects the amount of cash your business will have in the next 7 or 30 days. This future cash flow projection is based on the existing upcoming sales invoices and supplier bills posted to your Xero account and also takes any repeating invoices or bills into consideration too. Our top tips to make this project in as useful to you as possible, is to make sure your bank accounts are fully reconciled; and to add expected dates for the payments of your invoices or bills, if they differ to the due dates.
If you subscribe the ‘Analytics Plus’ add-on, then you will also be able to view the projection for the next 60 or 90 days; include Xero AI’s predicted recurring cash transactions based purely on your historical bank spend money and receive money transactions; and add one-off amounts to the projection dashboard to see the impact on cash flow.
Business Snapshot
This dashboard is designed to show your organisation’s financial wellbeing and identify trends in a single snapshot, by comparing the business performance with the last month, quarter, or year.
Business snapshot is a dashboard that shows valuable financial information, such as profitability, income, and expenses – presenting the information in a way that’s easy to digest at a glance.
With the ‘Analytics Plus’ add-on, the dashboard becomes more flexible as it allows you to use custom date ranges, choose specifically which accounts are included in the calculations, and also drill-down into a metric shown on the dashboard so you can see the underlying transactions.
If you’re already up and running in Xero, then you already have access to Xero Analytics – find it under the Business drop-down menu. In fact
- the Analytics Plus add-on is also free until 31 January 2022! If you discover anything on your cash flow or snapshot that you would like to discuss; or if you’re not using Xero and are interested in moving your records over - we’re here to help.