February 15, 2021
The pandemic offers the care sector an opportunity to reduce its staffing shortage. Julie Hopkins, Albert Goodman’s Care Sector Business Developer and Consultant, highlights some of the key areas which care employers should think about when carrying out the recruitment and retention of care staff.
In the current and ongoing furlough world the employment market is at a crossroads, whereby there remains a need for urgent skills and talent with an increasing need to upskill and/or change careers. IT and digitisation have been accelerated by the pandemic, with business agility being put to the test.
The care sector is a growth area, and continues to be of interest to investors in the UK and overseas. With the retail, leisure and travel sectors severely affected by the pandemic and releasing employees, social care could be a sector which sees people apply their existing skills to different roles and could be a great opportunity for recruitment in your care business.
Cross-skilling into the care sector by demonstrating the right values could be an excellent career choice for many people seeking alternative careers, both currently and in the future.
With the care sector constantly evolving, the next generation of carers will be getting used to the accelerated digital environment (see our article on Technology in Care in this issue), enhancing the care service and unlocking new upward career paths.
As the world of employment changes, being an employer of choice in the care sector means having the ability to adapt to employee needs. Employees are seeking key areas within their employment package: Job security, a career path, benefits, fitness & health benefits, life insurance, and pension incentives.
Health and wellbeing is becoming, more than ever, an area for an employer to focus on when considering staff retention. The goodwill that this brings also results in employee recommendations, which is always a sign of a well-led business. This in turn results in stronger employee engagement, consistency of care and good to outstanding KLOE’s with particular emphasis on ‘Well Led’ and ‘Safe’.
As we move through the pandemic waves, employers can increase staff morale and motivation to stand resilient by using benefits available to them. Community giving, as seen by care homes providing packed lunches for children during the Autumn half-term, is another way to showcase your care offering to current and future staff and residents (ensuring that infection control is managed at all times).
Read the latest edition of our care newsletter here.