March 13, 2024


Having been around for well over a century, it’s safe to say what we do, and how we work, has certainly transformed.

While our steadfast financial thinking will always remain our greatest strength; we’ve added many more strings to our bow. Over the last 158 years, we’ve become firmly rooted in our community, our close relationships with clients allow us to give excellent advice, and our service offerings continue to expand.

Over the past year, we have been working to ensure that the way we look on the outside, reflects everything we are doing inside Albert Goodman. To be a successful firm, it is not just about financial investment, it’s an investment in our people, our community, and our values, and we understand that if they succeed; so, do we.

Albert Goodman is proud to be independent and it’s our independence that sets us apart; having the freedom to make bold decisions that better the outcomes of our clients and our people, as well as the firm itself. Our success and growth are a direct result of the hard work and dedication of our people and we’re confident that the unique mix of our heritage, our expertise, and our strong consideration for both the community and the future, makes us stand out.

Our confidence in what we offer and our bold approach to progression needed to be suitably reflected in a confident, bold new look, whilst still celebrating where we’ve come from, taking an evolutionary rather than revolutionary approach to our rebrand.

Having launched our new brand internally, we are pleased to announce the big switchover, with our old look and logo being replaced with our updated version, to be seen everywhere from our newsletters and letterhead to our social media and office buildings.

We are delighted with our new look, and are confident that it better represents where we are now, and the future path Albert Goodman is striving for. At Albert Goodman, we are passionate about positive evolution and empowering our people to do the same. It’s exciting to see branding that reflects the continued growth and success of our firm, and we are looking forward to a very bright future

Iain McVicar, Managing Partner of Albert Goodman

We’re pleased that our stand-out service is now represented by a look that stands out and we are excited to share it with our colleagues, clients, and community, so look out for Albert Goodman’s new branding in situ, let’s face it, it’s hard to miss!


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